

This online bookstore has been created for your spiritual growth and edification. Each section contains books we believe to be of significant value to all Christ-followers.

Our Assurance to You

We have carefully curated this selection of writings using the following criteria:

  • The Christian titles are Christ-centered, biblically faithful, and doctrinally sound.
  • The secular titles present nothing which conflicts with the Scriptures.
  • All are written by reputable and topically authoritative authors.
  • They are spiritually constructive or otherwise uplifting.
  • They are valuable for building healthy relationships with our families and fellow Christ-followers.
  • They are useful in honing our witness to the lost.


So what are we going to do with the money we earn from sales?

All proceeds go directly into a fund devoted exclusively to financing our operating costs and future expansion.

Your patronage helps keep us growing and is greatly appreciated!

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  • All book formats available on and — Kindle, paperback, hardback, or audiobook — may be purchased here.

Bottom line? Other than our commission, buying here is exactly the same as purchasing directly from, including Amazon Prime shipping times.

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Personal Picks

These lists have had a major impact on each contributor spiritually. In other words, these books were transformational, dramatically altering the course of each author’s life and ministry; they would not be the Christ-follower they are today apart from them.

Click on each portrait below to see that contributor’s list.

Topical Sections

Your Recommendations

Feel free to submit titles for our consideration using our contact form. While we cannot guarantee your recommendations will be included, we can assure you they will be carefully considered.