Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #1:
Eden & The Hebrew Patriarchs

By | 9 Apr 2016

One of the most controversial doctrines which has been ever taught over the last 4 decades or so is that of divine prosperity, the concept being defined as it is not God’s will for Christian believers to live in poverty, but to actually have more financial resources than barely-enough-to-survive. I’d estimate that it’s the 3rd most controversial doctrine… Read More »

By His Stripes We’re Healed #7:
Divine Euthanasia?

By | 24 Apr 2015

There is a term I learned from a former pastor who used it whenever he was discussing phrases or statements made by well-meaning, but biblically ignorant church folk when challenged to believe something from the Word of God that is beyond their current level of faith. The term is “Religious Escape Clause.” The most prevalent example of such… Read More »

A Requiem for George:
A Tragic Cautionary Tale of Addiction #1

By | 5 Mar 2015

My step-brother George passed away on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. He was born just short of being exactly 3-years-to-the-day older than me, making him 64 at the time. George and I were not particularly close and had little in the way of common interests, though he helped Tess and me immensely by performing our home inspection before we… Read More »

Calvinism vs. Arminianism

By | 7 Jul 2014

Historically, one of the most destructive and divisive controversies within Protestantism has been between the followers of reformer John Calvin, a French theologian who lived from 1509-1564, and the adherents of Jacobus Arminius, a Dutch theologian who lived from 1560-1609. The name-calling and propagandizing against one another by these two groups has been damaging our unity of the… Read More »