Category Archives: Popular Culture

Your Mother Was a Hamster &
Your Father Smelt of Elderberries!

By | 23 Jul 2024

While my title for this article recalls what has to be one of the funniest scenes in cinematic history — as well as being one of my all-time personal favorites! 🤣 — the actual topic at hand is exceptionally serious. Awhile back, I got suckered into one of those claiming-to-be-Christian social-media-troll feeding-frenzies I described in my article on… Read More »

Church & State

By | 27 Jun 2024

One of the many phrases repeatedly trumpeted by so-called political and religious “progressives” is that the US Constitution clearly defines an absolute separation between church and state. Historians attribute that verbiage to Thomas Jefferson, among others. However, that specific phrase is conspicuous by its absence within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As with all high-quality deceptions,… Read More »

Politically-Correct Religion

By | 5 Jun 2024

Introduction My wife and I recently binge-watched a so-called “faith-based” dramatic TV series on Amazon Prime Video entitled “The Baxters” (not to be confused with the 1970s ABC sitcom by the same name). As of this writing, there are 3 seasons consisting of 34 episodes. Whether there will be further seasons or not has yet to be announced.… Read More »

He Gets Us

By | 19 Feb 2024

As you’ve probably guessed, my title comes from two controversial ads broadcast during the 2024 Super Bowl. Since they were aired, there has been a flurry of negative commentary on them from those proclaiming themselves as Christians on social media. Many of those folks have gone so far as to label the ads as satanic. Curious about what… Read More »

Where are We Going? And Why are We
in This Hand-basket? — The Spiritual Perspective

By | 27 Dec 2022

In my previous article in this series, I identified some historical trends which have brought us to this sorry moment in world history. In this final article, we’ll look at its spiritual underpinnings. The Final Quest As mentioned in my first article on humility, Rick Joyner’s book The Final Quest has had the single hugest impact upon my… Read More »

Where are We Going? And Why are We
in This Hand-basket? — The Historical Perspective

By | 27 Dec 2022

Introduction Some of you may have recognized the title of this article as a motto from a humorous bumper sticker. Truth be told, that is precisely where I got it! Why did I chose this title instead of something more pedestrian — or even more importantly — original? Because a broad spectrum of Americans — including Christ-followers —… Read More »