Tag Archives: pope

What is Church?

By | 28 Aug 2016

One of the topics hotly debated among believers in social media is what is “church,” specifically what a church’s goals should be, what should it look and feel like to its congregation, and what sorts of activities and music should take place there. The opinions expressed range in quality between the profound and the profoundly ignorant — an… Read More »

Holy War?

By | 4 Jun 2016

A few nights before I wrote the original version of this article, I viewed a 2-part, 4-hour documentary on the History Channel covering the 1st through 3rd crusades of the 9th and 10th centuries. In viewing this, the perfidy and apostasy of Roman Catholicism continues to astound and appall me. Centuries of bloodshed were instigated based upon a… Read More »

Is Roman Catholicism a Cult?

By | 20 Nov 2013

Anti-Catholic? Some people, after reading some of my blog articles, might get the impression I am anti-Catholic. Others might go so far as to accuse me of being divisive, promoting schism within the Body of Christ by calling out the Catholic Church on their issues, saying we Protestants need to play nicey-nice with them in the name of… Read More »