Tag Archives: church

Our Hope of Glory

By | 18 Oct 2024

My title comes from one of the most amazing truths ever penned in the history of mankind: To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 Anyone bothering to look dispassionately at the facts can easily… Read More »

Worship Faves

By | 16 Sep 2024

Awhile back, I wrote an article about modern worship and expressed how this era of worship music is by far my favorite of the many I’ve lived through and experienced over the last 70+ years. I’ve felt like the Holy Spirit wanted me to share some of the worship songs which have strongly impacted me of late. This… Read More »

Assurance of Salvation

By | 27 Aug 2024

When I first experienced the New Birth and was being discipled by The Navigators, the vital issue of assurance of salvation was the very first item on their agenda. Why is that? It’s because, if we don’t have this foundational principle down cold, we will never have strong faith and will continually experience spiritual defeat in this life.… Read More »

Growing Up Spiritually

By | 30 Jul 2024

One dragon constantly rearing its ugly head within the Body of Christ these days is spiritual immaturity. Anyone encountering the abysmal quality of social-media discourse regarding any aspect of Christianity will agree my statement is absolutely true. There, I have both witnessed and experienced some of the most vile abuse ever uttered by those proclaiming themselves to be… Read More »

Go Away or I Shall Taunt You A Second Time-a!

By | 23 Jul 2024

While my title for this article recalls what has to be one of the funniest scenes in cinematic history — as well as being one of my all-time personal favorites! 🤣 — the actual topic at hand is exceptionally serious. Awhile back, I got suckered into one of those claiming-to-be-Christian social-media-troll feeding-frenzies I described in my article on… Read More »

Guardians of the Orthodoxy

By | 18 Jul 2024

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I binge-watched Season 4 of The Chosen. In general, I tend to thoroughly enjoy this series. I have few, if any, problems with their portrayal of events actually recorded in the Gospels, including its accounts of miraculous healings. On the other hand, I do have a serious problem with Dallas… Read More »