The hits just keep on coming!
This time around I have the incredible honor of welcoming Pastor Ron Merrell to the rapidly-growing list of remarkable men and women of God contributing their decades of godly wisdom to our body of work here at Miscellaneous Ramblings!
Ron is one of my favorite people and easily one of the top 3 best pastors I’ve ever had. We first met immediately after he joined the pastoral staff at the church Tess and I used to attend 10 years ago (Wow! Has it really been that long?). He and I immediately founded a mutual-admiration society, becoming fast friends and frequent lunch companions at local BBQ establishments. We’ve bonded over our mutual love for God’s Word, His Church, and high-performance cars. He has graciously written the forewords for both of my books.
Ron is an anointed pastor and Bible teacher with a truly compassionate heart for the hurting. He has served as senior pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, and itinerant preacher during his lengthy ministry career. He is a humble man, a true servant to his flock, someone unafraid of getting his hands dirty performing menial tasks many large-church pastors would turn up their noses at, all without fanfare or even being noticed.
He is gifted with an awesome sense of humor and, in addition to having performed stand-up comedy himself, in his pre-ministry days used to write jokes for Jay Leno back when Leno hosted The Tonight Show. As a result, Ron’s sermons are guaranteed to first capture your attention with side-splitting laughter and then hit home with well-presented, uncompromising scriptural Truth. It’s an amazing 1-2 punch I remain in awe of a decade later! These same qualities make Ron a much sought-after guest-speaker in pulpits, conferences, and camps all over the US.
Ron’s extraordinary gifts and talents don’t stop there. His pleasant baritone voice was a welcome sound to local commuters back back when he co-hosted a drive-time radio show at an oldies station along with a fellow member of the church. That same vocal quality has recently led him into the field of being a voice-over talent for TV/radio commercials and audiobooks, again all done with his typical excellence and attention to detail.
He is husband to a wonderful godly woman named Anna, as well as being father to 3 amazing kids, none of them stereotypical PKs. In my humble opinion, their emotionally healthy family is a model of what a minister’s family should look like and stand for.
Please help me welcome him to our family of contributors!
Thanks for reading!