Category Archives: Suffering

The Crucial Process of Forgiveness

By | 24 Jul 2013

Introduction A year or so prior to the date of this post, my high school class from San Leandro High School in San Leandro, California celebrated its 40th reunion. When I heard about it, I planned to go until the Lord convicted me that I was attending with the wrong motives. So in obedience, I chose to stay… Read More »

When Disaster Strikes

By | 8 Jul 2013

19 firefighters of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, an elite wilderness firefighting team fielded by the Prescott, Arizona Fire Department, died while fighting a wildfire in Yarnell, Arizona on June 30, 2013. They were caught out in the open when a sudden wind-shear reversed the course of the fire back towards them, overwhelming the team long before they could… Read More »

Temptations, Trials & Tribulations

By | 21 Feb 2011

I’ve recently been making the case that God doesn’t go around killing Christ-followers, inflicting sickness and disease on them, and causing disasters. In this article, I want to address the issue of trials, temptations, and tribulations and their role in the lives of believers. God Uses Negative Circumstances to Develop Us Verses appear throughout the Bible stating how… Read More »

Jesus as God-in-Sandals

By | 24 Jan 2011

Over the last 6 posts, I’ve been making the case that God doesn’t go around killing Christ-followers, inflicting them with diseases, stealing their jobs or homes, etc., etc. In these we’ve covered several aspects of this issue, such as our covenant with God, the believer’s authority on this earth, the promises of God, and the role of Satan… Read More »

The Sovereignty of God’s Word

By | 3 Dec 2010

Lately I’ve been making the case that the God of the Bible does not go around killing His children, inflicting them with diseases, or causing disasters. In this post we’ll tackle another way God has self-limited His sovereignty: His Word and His promises contained within it. In a previous post, we covered how God is indeed sovereign, but… Read More »

Spiritual Authority

By | 3 Nov 2010

Lately I’ve been talking about how God doesn’t kill or visit sickness and disasters upon His children. Whenever you raise this topic with Christ-followers of certain doctrinal persuasions, one of the first objections they make concerns the sovereignty of God. Lest I be accused of burying the lead, let me be perfectly clear: God is indeed Ruler of… Read More »