Tag Archives: Prayer

Politically-Correct Religion

By | 5 Jun 2024

Introduction My wife and I recently binge-watched a so-called “faith-based” dramatic TV series on Amazon Prime Video entitled “The Baxters” (not to be confused with the 1970s ABC sitcom by the same name). As of this writing, there are 3 seasons consisting of 34 episodes. Whether there will be further seasons or not has yet to be announced.… Read More »

He Gets Us

By | 19 Feb 2024

As you’ve probably guessed, my title comes from two controversial ads broadcast during the 2024 Super Bowl. Since they were aired, there has been a flurry of negative commentary on them from those proclaiming themselves as Christians on social media. Many of those folks have gone so far as to label the ads as satanic. Curious about what… Read More »

Important Announcement!

By | 2 Feb 2024

I’m pleased to announce the release of the 2nd edition of my first book. This new edition has been reorganized, includes 7 new chapters, and been edited to include new insights/corrections I’ve received since the first edition was released back in 2014. Miscellaneous Ramblings receives a modest commission for each copy sold through Amazon, all of which goes… Read More »

On Earth as It is in Heaven #3:
The Kingdom of God Expressed Outwardly

By | 16 Jan 2024

We’ve spent the first two articles in this series exploring where we obtained the concept of “on earth as it is in heaven” and then examined how that translates into our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. In this final article, we will now discuss how the Kingdom of God expresses itself through us towards a hopelessly-lost-without-Jesus humanity.… Read More »

On Earth as It is in Heaven #2:
The Kingdom of God Expressed Inwardly

By | 4 Jan 2024

As we’ve already covered in the opening article in this series, Jesus commanded us to pray for God’s Kingdom to be reestablished in this earth. Conveniently enough, He immediately provided a practical yardstick we can use to measure how much of that reign actually exists: wherever God’s will is being done on earth in the same manner and… Read More »

On Earth as It is in Heaven #1:
What Does That Actually Mean?

By | 4 Jan 2024

Committed Christ-followers and pew-warming pietists alike have been reciting the opening phrase in the title of this article for literally over 2,000 years. Anyone who has hung around any church or organization calling itself “Christian” for even a few minutes will recognize this phrase as coming from the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. It is the… Read More »