Tag Archives: religion

Spiritual Authority

By | 3 Nov 2010

Lately I’ve been talking about how God doesn’t kill or visit sickness and disasters upon His children. Whenever you raise this topic with Christ-followers of certain doctrinal persuasions, one of the first objections they make concerns the sovereignty of God. Lest I be accused of burying the lead, let me be perfectly clear: God is indeed Ruler of… Read More »

Blood Covenants

By | 13 Oct 2010

I have consistently taken the stand that the God of the Bible does not go around killing His children, inflicting them with diseases, or causing disasters. Many people contest this claim, asking, “Well, what about the Old Testament?” Whole books have been written about this; I’m not going to delve into the subject in near that kind of… Read More »

Christianity vs. Man’s Religion

By | 12 Oct 2010

Over the last 2 millennia or so since Christ’s resurrection, Christian doctrine has slowly and inexorably been infiltrated by corrupting influences. There is a constant battle between the plans, purposes, and intentions of the Almighty versus our satanically-deceived human tendencies to hinder/interfere with them using our own limited understanding and corrupt value systems. That’s the bad news. The… Read More »