Category Archives: Popular Culture

Unequally Yoked

By | 4 Nov 2011

Recently, a Facebook friend and former fellow church member posted a question concerning interracial and interfaith marriages. I responded with the fact God has no problem with interracial marriages (I have proven my personal commitment to that truth: I’m a Caucasian married to an Asian, a beautiful and godly Filipina), but God is absolutely against interfaith (Christian and… Read More »

The God Who Speaks

By | 30 May 2011

As I described in my very first post, there exists a philosophy I call “man’s religion“, not in the sense of gender, but of mankind. And I covered there many of the major distinctions between man’s religion and true, biblical Christianity in that post. One of man’s religion’s inherent misconceptions about God is that He is silent. People… Read More »

Christianity vs. Man’s Religion

By | 12 Oct 2010

Over the last 2 millennia or so since Christ’s resurrection, Christian doctrine has slowly and inexorably been infiltrated by corrupting influences. There is a constant battle between the plans, purposes, and intentions of the Almighty versus our satanically-deceived human tendencies to hinder/interfere with them using our own limited understanding and corrupt value systems. That’s the bad news. The… Read More »