Tag Archives: addictions

Trump’s So-Called "Sexgate Scandal"

By | 10 Oct 2016

I would like to clarify my stance on the whole Trump-sex-talk debacle. I have posted several memes on Facebook pointing out the massive hypocrisy of the whole matter and to some, that may have looked like I’m defending Trump and what he said, compromising my Christian witness in the process. Let me make myself perfectly clear: There is… Read More »

A Requiem for George:
A Tragic Cautionary Tale of Addiction #1

By | 5 Mar 2015

My step-brother George passed away on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. He was born just short of being exactly 3-years-to-the-day older than me, making him 64 at the time. George and I were not particularly close and had little in the way of common interests, though he helped Tess and me immensely by performing our home inspection before we… Read More »

Marijuana & Christianity

By | 19 Jan 2014

Now that marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in Colorado as well as for medical use in numerous other states, the issue is now one of the hot buttons in the culture and political wars, with frequent mentions in the news. Many pro-marijuana folks have tried to support the idea that the Bible is silent on the… Read More »

The God Who Speaks

By | 30 May 2011

As I described in my very first post, there exists a philosophy I call “man’s religion“, not in the sense of gender, but of mankind. And I covered there many of the major distinctions between man’s religion and true, biblical Christianity in that post. One of man’s religion’s inherent misconceptions about God is that He is silent. People… Read More »