Tag Archives: divine guidance

Alcohol & Christianity

By | 28 May 2014

Introduction Awhile back, I tackled the topic of marijuana. In this post, as the title indicates, we’ll discuss alcohol. What triggered my writing this post was a Facebook friend who posted a link to another blog article in which the writer was making a case against Christians imbibing alcohol in any quantity at any time. The second and… Read More »

Who’s In Charge?
The Cosmic Battle For Control

By | 16 Dec 2011

There is brief list of items we’re supposed to be majoring in as Christ-followers. Those items are God’s order of priorities established from the foundations of the world. Everything else can be neatly summed up under one of these four: Submit to God. Love one another. Control our flesh. Resist the devil. Simple isn’t it? But as one… Read More »