Tag Archives: love

Where are We Going? And Why are We
in This Hand-basket? — The Spiritual Perspective

By | 27 Dec 2022

In my previous article in this series, I identified some historical trends which have brought us to this sorry moment in world history. In this final article, we’ll look at its spiritual underpinnings. The Final Quest As mentioned in my first article on humility, Rick Joyner’s book The Final Quest has had the single hugest impact upon my… Read More »

Spinny & The Search for Real Treasure

By | 13 May 2022

A Tale for the Young — or Young at Heart Felix Alexander Spinnaker – or ‘Spinny’ as his family called him – lived for adventure. At 11 years old, he’d already climbed Mount Everest, braved the Amazon river, and hot-air-ballooned over the African plains. Spinny was a true treasure-seeker. But unlike most kids his age, he searched high… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #5:
What is Success?

By | 30 Jul 2018

I felt led of the Spirit to clarify this term which is used both by those who accept and those who oppose the doctrine of divine prosperity, often with little precision in what is meant by it demonstrated by either side. The pro-prosperity side tends to say that God is not the Author of failure and that God… Read More »

Of Blind Men & Elephants

By | 13 Feb 2016

A recent trend I’ve seen which greatly disturbs me — even angers me, at times — is a tendency for Christian believers to divide themselves from one other according to their pet doctrines. This is much like the old East-Indian parable of the blind men and the elephant: Five blind men heard an elephant had been brought into… Read More »

Who’s In Charge?
The Cosmic Battle For Control

By | 16 Dec 2011

There is brief list of items we’re supposed to be majoring in as Christ-followers. Those items are God’s order of priorities established from the foundations of the world. Everything else can be neatly summed up under one of these four: Submit to God. Love one another. Control our flesh. Resist the devil. Simple isn’t it? But as one… Read More »