Tag Archives: God’s promises

Your Mother Was a Hamster &
Your Father Smelt of Elderberries!

By | 23 Jul 2024

While my title for this article recalls what has to be one of the funniest scenes in cinematic history — as well as being one of my all-time personal favorites! 🤣 — the actual topic at hand is exceptionally serious. Awhile back, I got suckered into one of those claiming-to-be-Christian social-media-troll feeding-frenzies I described in my article on… Read More »

Guardians of the Orthodoxy

By | 18 Jul 2024

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I binge-watched Season 4 of The Chosen. In general, I tend to thoroughly enjoy this series. I have few, if any, problems with their portrayal of events actually recorded in the Gospels, including its accounts of miraculous healings. On the other hand, I do have a serious problem with Dallas… Read More »

Goodness Gracious!

By | 29 Jun 2024

The longer I’ve been alive and serving Jesus, the more and more I am captivated by our Heavenly Father’s character, especially His goodness and grace. Apart from His loving mercy, it is almost certain I would not have survived long enough to become an author lo these 13+ years ago, much less write this article today. Back in… Read More »

Politically-Correct Religion

By | 5 Jun 2024

Introduction My wife and I recently binge-watched a so-called “faith-based” dramatic TV series on Amazon Prime Video entitled “The Baxters” (not to be confused with the 1970s ABC sitcom by the same name). As of this writing, there are 3 seasons consisting of 34 episodes. Whether there will be further seasons or not has yet to be announced.… Read More »

Important Announcement!

By | 2 Feb 2024

I’m pleased to announce the release of the 2nd edition of my first book. This new edition has been reorganized, includes 7 new chapters, and been edited to include new insights/corrections I’ve received since the first edition was released back in 2014. Miscellaneous Ramblings receives a modest commission for each copy sold through Amazon, all of which goes… Read More »


By | 1 Dec 2023

Ever since the Rebellion in Eden, God has spoken through His Word a single, consistent message to scads of people over several millennia: “Don’t be afraid!” This command is recorded hundreds of times in Scripture. Someone claims to have accurately counted 365 such verses. This means we literally have 1 for each day of the year. This seems… Read More »