Tag Archives: judging others

Your Mother Was a Hamster &
Your Father Smelt of Elderberries!

By | 23 Jul 2024

While my title for this article recalls what has to be one of the funniest scenes in cinematic history — as well as being one of my all-time personal favorites! 🤣 — the actual topic at hand is exceptionally serious. Awhile back, I got suckered into one of those claiming-to-be-Christian social-media-troll feeding-frenzies I described in my article on… Read More »

Guardians of the Orthodoxy

By | 18 Jul 2024

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I binge-watched Season 4 of The Chosen. In general, I tend to thoroughly enjoy this series. I have few, if any, problems with their portrayal of events actually recorded in the Gospels, including its accounts of miraculous healings. On the other hand, I do have a serious problem with Dallas… Read More »

Politically-Correct Religion

By | 5 Jun 2024

Introduction My wife and I recently binge-watched a so-called “faith-based” dramatic TV series on Amazon Prime Video entitled “The Baxters” (not to be confused with the 1970s ABC sitcom by the same name). As of this writing, there are 3 seasons consisting of 34 episodes. Whether there will be further seasons or not has yet to be announced.… Read More »

He Gets Us

By | 19 Feb 2024

As you’ve probably guessed, my title comes from two controversial ads broadcast during the 2024 Super Bowl. Since they were aired, there has been a flurry of negative commentary on them from those proclaiming themselves as Christians on social media. Many of those folks have gone so far as to label the ads as satanic. Curious about what… Read More »

Is Bethel a Cult?

By | 6 Dec 2023

A tremendous amount of mud-slinging is currently going on in the Church these days. I’ve addressed that topic in multiple articles here on Miscellaneous Ramblings. In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a brief list for your reading enjoyment and — I hope! — spiritual edification: Of Blind Men & Elephants Filled With The Troll-y Spirit The… Read More »


By | 1 Dec 2023

Ever since the Rebellion in Eden, God has spoken through His Word a single, consistent message to scads of people over several millennia: “Don’t be afraid!” This command is recorded hundreds of times in Scripture. Someone claims to have accurately counted 365 such verses. This means we literally have 1 for each day of the year. This seems… Read More »