Tag Archives: envy

Socialism in the Church

By | 18 Jun 2018

There is an epidemic of class envy and socialist sentiments running around the Church of late and, frankly, it is a shame and reproach upon the Body of Christ! This kind of attitude comes from the demonic lie that wealth is a zero-sum commodity. What do we mean by “zero-sum?” It is the fundamentally flawed assumption there is… Read More »

Christian No-Nos

By | 20 Oct 2013

I’m taking a second break away from my prayer series to write something God has put on my heart. Or as Monty Python used to say, “And now for something completely different!” And no, we’re not talking about home laser body-hair removal devices for sale on TV (Order now!!! Operators are standing by!!! 😊) Very recently, I had… Read More »