Tag Archives: faith

By His Stripes We Are Healed #3:
Saved From Sickness

By | 19 Dec 2012

Many Christ-followers miss a key principle when exploring the New Testament concerning divine healing. Fascinatingly, it’s the Greek word for “saved” itself. …if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with… Read More »

By His Stripes We Are Healed #1:
Healing in the Atonement — Part 1

By | 11 Dec 2012

Introduction Over the last 39 years I’ve been a believer, one of the topics that I’ve received an abundance of teaching on is divine healing. I’ve even taught on the subject myself occasionally, though not in the depth I’m about to undertake. So why am I approaching this topic at this particular time? Well, to be honest I’ve… Read More »

Know Your Weapons

By | 14 Jul 2012

One interesting aspect of my walk with Jesus is I have learned several spiritual lessons via animals. Here’s one of them, based upon the two times I’ve been attacked by large dogs. Dog Attack #1 Back when I was 7 years old, my parents and I took a road trip in a 1960 Chevy Corvair sedan from my… Read More »

Charismata #1:
My Own Personal Testimony

By | 24 May 2012

Before digging into the Scriptures, I would like to establish my credentials on this topic. I was first exposed to the concept of being baptized in the Holy Spirit almost immediately after I became a Christ-follower. I submitted my life to Christ in November of 1973 while a soldier assigned to the US Army’s 3rd Armored Division in… Read More »

Jesus is God

By | 17 Mar 2011

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, you Irish folk! One of the things theological and political liberals get wrong in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity” is their total misunderstanding of the claims and teachings of Jesus Christ and how those claims and teachings are supposed to affect our everyday lives. In their intellectual ignorance of world religions, they hold… Read More »