Category Archives: Charismata

Charismata #2:
What’s It All About?

By | 25 May 2012

The spiritual gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues is an amazing blessing for those who have received it. Unfortunately, it is also the source of an equally amazing amount of dissension within the Body of Christ between those who do and those who don’t. Frankly, it is appalling how hostile both sides… Read More »

Charismata #1:
My Own Personal Testimony

By | 24 May 2012

Before digging into the Scriptures, I would like to establish my credentials on this topic. I was first exposed to the concept of being baptized in the Holy Spirit almost immediately after I became a Christ-follower. I submitted my life to Christ in November of 1973 while a soldier assigned to the US Army’s 3rd Armored Division in… Read More »

The God Who Speaks

By | 30 May 2011

As I described in my very first post, there exists a philosophy I call “man’s religion“, not in the sense of gender, but of mankind. And I covered there many of the major distinctions between man’s religion and true, biblical Christianity in that post. One of man’s religion’s inherent misconceptions about God is that He is silent. People… Read More »