Category Archives: Godly Finances

Socialism in the Church

By | 18 Jun 2018

There is an epidemic of class envy and socialist sentiments running around the Church of late and, frankly, it is a shame and reproach upon the Body of Christ! This kind of attitude comes from the demonic lie that wealth is a zero-sum commodity. What do we mean by “zero-sum?” It is the fundamentally flawed assumption there is… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #4:
New Testament Warnings Concerning Riches

By | 25 May 2018

So far in this series, we have thoroughly examined what the Old Testament says concerning finances and wealth. In this installment, we will begin exploring what the NT has to say on the subject. Most likely shocking to skeptics on this topic, we’ll start by addressing passages used by many to refute the prosperity message. Here we go!… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #3:
Joseph & the Children of Israel

By | 7 Nov 2017

In my first 2 installments in this series, we have explored the origins of poverty, several biblical patriarchs and their relationship to money, as well as what the “wisdom books” of the Old Testament have to say on the topic of finances. In this article, we will explore God’s dealings with the nation of Israel beginning with Joseph… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #2
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Psalms

By | 24 Apr 2016

In the first article of this series, we examined God’s original intentions for mankind concerning wealth as well as the biblical accounts of some “fathers of our faith” who were fabulously wealthy and what God had to say — and equally importantly, not say — about them and their money. The last person we covered was Solomon, the… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #1:
Eden & The Hebrew Patriarchs

By | 9 Apr 2016

One of the most controversial doctrines which has been ever taught over the last 4 decades or so is that of divine prosperity, the concept being defined as it is not God’s will for Christian believers to live in poverty, but to actually have more financial resources than barely-enough-to-survive. I’d estimate that it’s the 3rd most controversial doctrine… Read More »

Ask &amp You Shall Receive #7:
Praying in Faith – Part 3

By | 10 Oct 2013

The Four Ps Almost 40 years ago, right after I first got saved, I read a book entitled The Purpose of Temptation by Bob Mumford, one of the leaders of the Charismatic Movement during the 1970s. In that book, he described a process found throughout Scripture that he termed “The Four Ps,” an acrostic that describes God’s dealings… Read More »