Category Archives: Church Life

By His Stripes We’re Healed #8:
Scriptures on Healing

By | 6 May 2019

This a semi-comprehensive list of God’s promises concerning physical healing in both the Old and New Testaments as well as all the accounts in the Gospels and Acts where Jesus and the Apostles performed healings, cast out demons, and raised the dead back to life. I say “semi-comprehensive” because I did not include duplicate accounts of the same… Read More »

What is Church?

By | 28 Aug 2016

Many identifying themselves as Christians on social media hotly debate the topic of “what is “church,” specifically what a church’s goals should be, what should it look and feel like to its congregation, and what sorts of activities and music should take place there. In some cases, the question being asked is “Why do we need it?” or… Read More »

By His Stripes We’re Healed #7:
Divine Euthanasia?

By | 24 Apr 2015

There is a term I learned from a former pastor who used it whenever he was discussing phrases or statements made by well-meaning, but biblically ignorant church folk when challenged to believe something from the Word of God that is beyond their current level of faith. The term is “Religious Escape Clause.” The most prevalent example of such… Read More »

Alcohol & Christianity

By | 28 May 2014

Awhile back, I tackled the topic of marijuana. In this post, as the title indicates, we’ll discuss alcohol. What triggered my writing this post was a Facebook friend who posted a link to another blog article in which the writer was making a case against Christians imbibing alcohol in any quantity at any time. The second and third… Read More »

The Warrior Ethos

By | 29 Jan 2014

We’ve all heard sermons referring to the Body of Christ as “the Army of the Lord.” Many of us have sung old hymns echoing that sentiment, such as my childhood favorite, Onward, Christian Soldiers. And William Booth thought so highly of the concept he named his organization the “Salvation Army.” “Yet I considered it necessary to send to… Read More »

Christian No-Nos

By | 20 Oct 2013

I’m taking a second break away from my prayer series to write something God has put on my heart. Or as Monty Python used to say, “And now for something completely different!” And no, we’re not talking about home laser body-hair removal devices for sale on TV (Order now!!! Operators are standing by!!! 😊) Very recently, I had… Read More »