Tag Archives: The Passion Of The Christ

He is Risen! #3

By | 11 Apr 2020

Tomorrow, we celebrate the most significant event during the entire panoply of human history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ from his substitutionary death on the cross. Every other founder of every other world religion has a grave someplace where their decayed corpses still reside. Not so with our Lord — His grave is empty! One of my personal… Read More »

The Jewish "Blood Libel"

By | 28 Nov 2013

What the Heck is a “Blood Libel?” The so-called “blood libel” is a theological fiction perpetrated by both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions — and decades later carried to its logical conclusion by the Nazis during the Holocaust — that was used to justify the persecution and murder of literally millions of Jews over a time period… Read More »

By His Stripes We Are Healed #1:
Healing in the Atonement — Part 1

By | 11 Dec 2012

Introduction Over the last 39 years I’ve been a believer, one of the topics that I’ve received an abundance of teaching on is divine healing. I’ve even taught on the subject myself occasionally, though not in the depth I’m about to undertake. So why am I approaching this topic at this particular time? Well, to be honest I’ve… Read More »

He is Risen! #2

By | 7 Apr 2012

Once again it is the most significant holiday, in fact the only truly scriptural holiday, in the Christian calendar: Easter. Our church does a huge outreach during this season, trying to reach the CEOs (Christmas & Easter Only) of our community. As part of this, we celebrated Good Friday by serving communion and praying for people by our… Read More »