Category Archives: Church Life

By His Stripes We Are Healed #1:
Healing in the Atonement — Part 1

By | 11 Dec 2012

Introduction Over the last 39 years I’ve been a believer, one of the topics that I’ve received an abundance of teaching on is divine healing. I’ve even taught on the subject myself occasionally, though not in the depth I’m about to undertake. So why am I approaching this topic at this particular time? Well, to be honest I’ve… Read More »

Unequally Yoked

By | 4 Nov 2011

Recently, a Facebook friend and former fellow church member posted a question concerning interracial and interfaith marriages. I responded with the fact God has no problem with interracial marriages (I have proven my personal commitment to that truth: I’m a Caucasian married to an Asian, a beautiful and godly Filipina), but God is absolutely against interfaith (Christian and… Read More »