Category Archives: Prayer

Ask & You Shall Receive #1:
Introduction to Prayer

By | 1 Sep 2013

For quite awhile now, God has been leading me to teach on prayer here at Miscellaneous Ramblings, so I’m now going to do precisely that. In this series, I hope to impart to you the principles and precepts found in the Scriptures I’ve learned and experienced so you, too, can apply them to what hopefully will become —… Read More »

The Crucial Process of Forgiveness

By | 24 Jul 2013

Introduction A year or so prior to the date of this post, my high school class from San Leandro High School in San Leandro, California celebrated its 40th reunion. When I heard about it, I planned to go until the Lord convicted me that I was attending with the wrong motives. So in obedience, I chose to stay… Read More »

The God Who Speaks

By | 30 May 2011

As I described in my very first post, there exists a philosophy I call “man’s religion“, not in the sense of gender, but of mankind. And I covered there many of the major distinctions between man’s religion and true, biblical Christianity in that post. One of man’s religion’s inherent misconceptions about God is that He is silent. People… Read More »