Tag Archives: confession

Speaking Truth

By | 20 Oct 2019

A couple of phrases have arisen of late within modern pop culture and political discourse. Those phrases are “speaking your truth” and “speaking truth to power.” So let’s dig into the concept of “truth” and see what we discover. Objective Truth The subtitle here is actually repetitively redundant. Truth IS objective. There is no “my” truth or “your”… Read More »

Ask & You Shall Receive #9:
Unpacking the Lord’s Prayer

By | 4 Nov 2013

Committed Christ-followers and pew-warming pietists alike have been reciting the Lord’s Prayer for literally over 2,000 years. Anyone who has hung around any church or organization calling itself “Christian” for even a few minutes has at least heard it and many have it memorized. Tragically, over those 2 millennia, the Lord’s Prayer has become, for many church-goers, a… Read More »