Tag Archives: Internet trolls

Your Mother Was a Hamster &
Your Father Smelt of Elderberries!

By | 23 Jul 2024

While my title for this article recalls what has to be one of the funniest scenes in cinematic history — as well as being one of my all-time personal favorites! 🤣 — the actual topic at hand is exceptionally serious. Awhile back, I got suckered into one of those claiming-to-be-Christian social-media-troll feeding-frenzies I described in my article on… Read More »

My Conversation With an Atheist
Part 1: The Conversation Itself

By | 2 Jun 2021

One could easily assume after 50 years of my being a Christ-follower — and having earned advanced degrees in theology to boot! — I would have had more than a few opportunities to interact with dyed-in-the-wool atheists. The truth of the matter is I have had only one such encounter I can remember; it occurred back in January… Read More »

Speaking Truth

By | 20 Oct 2019

A couple of phrases have arisen of late within modern pop culture and political discourse. Those phrases are “speaking your truth” and “speaking truth to power.” So let’s dig into the concept of “truth” and see what we discover. Objective Truth The subtitle here is actually repetitively redundant. Truth IS objective. There is no “my” truth or “your”… Read More »

Filled With The Troll-y Spirit

By | 2 Sep 2015

One of the major negative phenomena which has occurred since the inception of the World-Wide Web is that of the “Internet troll.” For those of you unfamiliar with this particular item of techno-jargon, a troll is a cyber-bully, a person who gleefully and/or angrily comments on various articles and discussions on all sorts of websites in the most… Read More »