Tag Archives: grace

By His Stripes We’re Healed #8:
Scriptures on Healing

By | 6 May 2019

This a semi-comprehensive list of God’s promises concerning physical healing in both the Old and New Testaments as well as all the accounts in the Gospels and Acts where Jesus and the Apostles performed healings, cast out demons, and raised the dead back to life. I say “semi-comprehensive” because I did not include duplicate accounts of the same… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #8:
Another Gospel?

By | 11 Apr 2019

Many opponents of the prosperity doctrine have declared it to be “another gospel.” What do they mean by this? Actually, it’s a euphemism for “heresy” and they are alluding to a passage in Galatians 1 where Paul wrote: I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #7:
Objections to the Prosperity Doctrine

By | 15 Mar 2019

One of the poster-children of the anti-prosperity crowd is an internationally-famous-within-Christendom Calvinist-Baptist theologian, pastor, and published author named John Piper. He is regarded as a theological titan among Calvinists and Baptists alike. He is the founder and teacher of desiringgod.org, chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, pastor emeritus of Bethlehem Baptist Church, and a Council member of the… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #6:
Needs vs. Wants

By | 2 Mar 2019

One of the common objections I’ve heard from the many critics I’ve encountered concerning the so-called “prosperity gospel” is a theologically silly discussion of the dichotomy between “wants” and “needs.” Both sides of this discussion lay claim to the following verse, yet interpret it in entirely different ways: And my God shall supply all your need according to… Read More »

The Rest of the Story

By | 10 Nov 2018

Introduction In May 1976, a nationally renowned news commentator named Paul Harvey began broadcasting a 5-minute-or-so syndicated show on ABC Radio Networks called “The Rest Of The Story.” In each episode, he would recount a carefully-researched story containing fascinating, obscure facts about a famous person or significant moment in history, never identifying that person or moment until the… Read More »

Freed From Shame!

By | 7 Aug 2018

I’ve touched on this topic in passing in several articles here at Miscellaneous Ramblings, but I felt this needed a more thorough treatment to establish the Scriptural foundation for my teachings on this. We’ll start with a quote from Romans: There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according… Read More »