Tag Archives: original sin


By | 17 Aug 2023

Introduction Several years ago, our church’s guest speaker was a former pastoral staff member, a Calvinist-Baptist minister closely aligned with John MacArthur and John Piper doctrinally. His message centered on the illness, death, burial, and raising-from-the-dead of Lazarus in Bethany recorded in John 11. His sermon remarks opened with the statement “God will disappoint us” and then continued with… Read More »

Freed From Shame!

By | 7 Aug 2018

I’ve touched on this topic in passing in several articles here at Miscellaneous Ramblings, but I felt this needed a more thorough treatment to establish the Scriptural foundation for my teachings on this. We’ll start with a quote from Romans: There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according… Read More »

Virgin Birth?

By | 20 Dec 2013

Merry Christmas! As we navigate the hoopla inherent to the season when we celebrate Jesus’ incarnation as God-in-Sandals, the Pew Research Center took a poll of Americans concerning Christmas. One of the questions asked was, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ was born to a virgin, or don’t you believe this?” 73% of those responding responded affirmatively, 19%… Read More »