Tag Archives: prophesy

Is Bethel a Cult?

By | 6 Dec 2023

A tremendous amount of mud-slinging is currently going on in the Church these days. I’ve addressed that topic in multiple articles here on Miscellaneous Ramblings. In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a brief list for your reading enjoyment and — I hope! — spiritual edification: Of Blind Men & Elephants Filled With The Troll-y Spirit The… Read More »

Charismata #7:
The Rest of the Gifts

By | 4 Jul 2014

Back in the fourth article in this series, I presented the 9 gifts of the Spirit as listed in 1 Corinthians 12. In subsequent articles on this topic, we have discussed 3 of those gifts, the ones commonly referred to as the “utterance gifts:” Unknown tongues Interpretation of tongues Prophesy Now, after a lengthy hiatus, we will hit the remaining… Read More »

Charismata #6:
The Gift of Prophesy

By | 16 Aug 2012

In my previous post in this series, we began discussing the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and led off with exploring the gifts of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. One of the statements I made towards the end of that article was tongues and interpretation are the functional equivalent of the gift of prophesy, which… Read More »