Tag Archives: Bill Johnson

Guardians of the Orthodoxy

By | 18 Jul 2024

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I binge-watched Season 4 of The Chosen. In general, I tend to thoroughly enjoy this series. I have few, if any, problems with their portrayal of events actually recorded in the Gospels, including its accounts of miraculous healings. On the other hand, I do have a serious problem with Dallas… Read More »

Is Bethel a Cult?

By | 6 Dec 2023

A tremendous amount of mud-slinging is currently going on in the Church these days. I’ve addressed that topic in multiple articles here on Miscellaneous Ramblings. In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a brief list for your reading enjoyment and — I hope! — spiritual edification: Of Blind Men & Elephants Filled With The Troll-y Spirit The… Read More »

The Saints Who Say “NIH!”

By | 22 May 2023

Introduction Despite the obvious Monty Pythonism in the title, we are not here to discuss very nice, not-too-tall shrubberies. “NIH” in the title of this article is the abbreviation for “Not Invented Here.” It’s a flavor of the groupthink form of cognitive bias. Those who suffer from groupthink in general display an inherent distrust of and/or hostility towards… Read More »