Tag Archives: Saul Alinsky

Trump’s So-Called "Sexgate Scandal"

By | 10 Oct 2016

I would like to clarify my stance on the whole Trump-sex-talk debacle. I have posted several memes on Facebook pointing out the massive hypocrisy of the whole matter and to some, that may have looked like I’m defending Trump and what he said, compromising my Christian witness in the process. Let me make myself perfectly clear: There is… Read More »

The Father of Lies & Left-Wing Radicals

By | 5 Dec 2011

There is a book out there entitled Rules for Radicals written by a man named Saul Alinsky. Supposedly, this book has inspired the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Interestingly enough, the book is dedicated as follows: …the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least… Read More »