Tag Archives: left-wing politics

Critical Thinking #3:
Logical Fallacies

By | 23 Apr 2021

So far in this series, we’ve explored the concepts of critical thinking and a hindrance to it, cognitive biases. In this article, we will discuss a second hindrance: “logical fallacies.” What is a Logical Fallacy? Again, let’s define some terms: logic reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity fallacy a mistaken belief, especially one based… Read More »

Critical Thinking #2:
Cognitive Biases

By | 23 Apr 2021

In the previous article in this series, we defined and discussed the term “critical thinking” and why we Christ-followers should care about it. In this installment, we’ll discuss the topic of biased thinking. Bias is easy to grasp because we’ve all encountered them in others, especially those of us who are not Caucasian, though we all tend to… Read More »

Critical Thinking #1:
What is It? Why Should We Care About It?

By | 23 Apr 2021

Introduction We Christ-followers are constantly bombarded by hostile narratives. They are proclaimed by those trying to sway public opinion in support of their theological and/or political ideologies. Their positions are often presented with a total disregard for rational thought and/or reality and/or biblical morality. Regardless of how altruistically their agendas are portrayed, the consistent sticking point is frequently:… Read More »

What If?

By | 29 May 2020

The Holy Spirit had been urging me to write this article for a week or so before I started it and frankly, I’ve struggled with this article over a period of a couple more weeks. Why? Because I desperately don’t want this article perceived as an angry diatribe judgmentally lashing out at everyone who doesn’t “measure up to… Read More »

The Plague of Pietism

By | 19 Jun 2019

The Barna Group recently found that 80% of professing Christians do not know how to apply their Christian beliefs to their everyday lives. This condition is called “pietism.” The NT calls it by another term: carnality. Pietism divides human existence between the “spiritual” and the “unspiritual” aka the “sacred” and the “secular,” therefore pietist Christians do not believe… Read More »

The Father of Lies & Left-Wing Radicals

By | 5 Dec 2011

There is a book out there entitled Rules for Radicals written by a man named Saul Alinsky. Supposedly, this book has inspired the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Interestingly enough, the book is dedicated as follows: …the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least… Read More »