Category Archives: Church Life

Fulfillment, Excellence, and a Critical Spirit

By | 23 Feb 2022

fulfillment the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted. e.g., “winning the championship was the fulfillment of a childhood dream” excellence the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. e.g., “a center of academic excellence” critical expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments. e.g., “he was critical of many welfare programs” As a musician, I am frequently engaged… Read More »

Humility Revisited

By | 23 Jan 2022

It seems the Lord is not done with me on this topic, so this is another view of “the elephant” from a slightly different perspective. As I was continuing my reading in 2 Chronicles today, I came across a passage well-known in Word of Faith (WoF) circles, one I have lost count of the times I’ve heard taught on:… Read More »


By | 17 Jan 2022

Even casual Bible-readers can quickly detect God’s high regard for the humble. Tragically, many proclaiming themselves “Christian” these days appear to have either glossed over or mentally redacted those passages entirely. Before we get started, the great danger inherent to writing about humility is my being perceived as proclaiming the equivalent of “Humility & How I Achieved It”… Read More »

A Tragic Scandal

By | 26 Dec 2020

In May of 2020, those of us involved with Christian apologetics — whether peripherally as I am or vitally as the major focus of our ministries — mourned the untimely passing of a giant in that theological discipline, Ravi Zacharias. I have always looked up to that man as a hero of the faith, the personification of what… Read More »

He is Risen! #3

By | 11 Apr 2020

Tomorrow, we celebrate the most significant event during the entire panoply of human history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ from his substitutionary death on the cross. Every other founder of every other world religion has a grave someplace where their decayed corpses still reside. Not so with our Lord — His grave is empty! One of my personal… Read More »

By His Stripes We’re Healed #9:
What If It Doesn’t Work?

By | 7 May 2019

This is almost always the first question asked by laypersons and ministers alike when they are initially introduced to the doctrine of divine healing. Such laypersons are generally being confronted with the daunting challenge of developing their faith where they have had no previous teaching or revelation from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit on the topic. Ministers… Read More »