Category Archives: Personal Growth

A Journey of Forgiveness

By | 8 Nov 2019

…but the righteous man shall live by faith Romans 1:17b9 NASB Many Christians struggle in their faith walk with popular gospel topics like healing and finances. I think I have put more faith effort in forgiveness and trust than in anything else. I get in the way of “getting” forgiveness. My emotions storm and rage like a hurricane when… Read More »

Small Choices — Big Consequences

By | 22 Oct 2019

My son Talon died early in the morning on what should have been the day he graduated from high school. That Friday was payday for him. Talon got a text, inviting him to a party — a graduation party. The party moved from house to house through the evening, and, eventually to a “farm party” in a field… Read More »

Freed From Shame!

By | 7 Aug 2018

I’ve touched on this topic in passing in several articles here at Miscellaneous Ramblings, but I felt this needed a more thorough treatment to establish the Scriptural foundation for my teachings on this. We’ll start with a quote from Romans: There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according… Read More »

A Requiem for George:
A Tragic Cautionary Tale of Addiction #1

By | 5 Mar 2015

My step-brother George passed away on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. He was born just short of being exactly 3-years-to-the-day older than me, making him 64 at the time. George and I were not particularly close and had little in the way of common interests, though he helped Tess and me immensely by performing our home inspection before we… Read More »

Alcohol & Christianity

By | 28 May 2014

Introduction Awhile back, I tackled the topic of marijuana. In this post, as the title indicates, we’ll discuss alcohol. What triggered my writing this post was a Facebook friend who posted a link to another blog article in which the writer was making a case against Christians imbibing alcohol in any quantity at any time. The second and… Read More »