Tag Archives: divine mysteries

Guardians of the Orthodoxy

By | 18 Jul 2024

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I binge-watched Season 4 of The Chosen. In general, I tend to thoroughly enjoy this series. I have few, if any, problems with their portrayal of events actually recorded in the Gospels, including its accounts of miraculous healings. On the other hand, I do have a serious problem with Dallas… Read More »

Apologetics & Divine Mysteries

By | 25 Nov 2020

For several months now, I’ve belonged to a private Facebook group run by the Christian Apologetics Alliance. The level of intellectual and theological brilliance exhibited by the majority of its members is truly staggering. Others, not so much! Regarding this latter group, I’m not referring to believers asking intelligent questions as they seek a greater knowledge of Christian… Read More »