Tag Archives: Apologetics

Your Mother Was a Hamster &
Your Father Smelt of Elderberries!

By | 23 Jul 2024

While my title for this article recalls what has to be one of the funniest scenes in cinematic history — as well as being one of my all-time personal favorites! 🤣 — the actual topic at hand is exceptionally serious. Awhile back, I got suckered into one of those claiming-to-be-Christian social-media-troll feeding-frenzies I described in my article on… Read More »

Guardians of the Orthodoxy

By | 18 Jul 2024

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I binge-watched Season 4 of The Chosen. In general, I tend to thoroughly enjoy this series. I have few, if any, problems with their portrayal of events actually recorded in the Gospels, including its accounts of miraculous healings. On the other hand, I do have a serious problem with Dallas… Read More »

Church & State

By | 27 Jun 2024

One of the many phrases repeatedly trumpeted by so-called political and religious “progressives” is that the US Constitution clearly defines an absolute separation between church and state. Historians attribute that verbiage to Thomas Jefferson, among others. However, that specific phrase is conspicuous by its absence within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As with all high-quality deceptions,… Read More »

On Earth as It is in Heaven #3:
The Kingdom of God Expressed Outwardly

By | 16 Jan 2024

We’ve spent the first two articles in this series exploring where we obtained the concept of “on earth as it is in heaven” and then examined how that translates into our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. In this final article, we will now discuss how the Kingdom of God expresses itself through us towards a hopelessly-lost-without-Jesus humanity.… Read More »

On Earth as It is in Heaven #2:
The Kingdom of God Expressed Inwardly

By | 4 Jan 2024

As we’ve already covered in the opening article in this series, Jesus commanded us to pray for God’s Kingdom to be reestablished in this earth. Conveniently enough, He immediately provided a practical yardstick we can use to measure how much of that reign actually exists: wherever God’s will is being done on earth in the same manner and… Read More »

On Earth as It is in Heaven #1:
What Does That Actually Mean?

By | 4 Jan 2024

Committed Christ-followers and pew-warming pietists alike have been reciting the opening phrase in the title of this article for literally over 2,000 years. Anyone who has hung around any church or organization calling itself “Christian” for even a few minutes will recognize this phrase as coming from the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. It is the… Read More »