Tag Archives: atheism

My Conversation With an Atheist
Part 2: The Post-Game Analysis

By | 7 Jun 2021

After publishing my previous article, I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to write an analysis of Jake’s assertions using the principles I listed and discussed in my series on Critical Thinking. In obedience, we will now examine that encounter in greater depth so you can take that knowledge into any future discussions with Christianity’s ideological opponents. All… Read More »

My Conversation With an Atheist
Part 1: The Conversation Itself

By | 2 Jun 2021

One could easily assume after 50 years of my being a Christ-follower — and having earned advanced degrees in theology to boot! — I would have had more than a few opportunities to interact with dyed-in-the-wool atheists. The truth of the matter is I have had only one such encounter I can remember; it occurred back in January… Read More »

A Tragic Scandal

By | 26 Dec 2020

In May of 2020, those of us involved with Christian apologetics — whether peripherally as I am or vitally as the major focus of our ministries — mourned the untimely passing of a giant in that theological discipline, Ravi Zacharias. I have always looked up to that man as a hero of the faith, the personification of what… Read More »

Apologetics & Divine Mysteries

By | 25 Nov 2020

For several months now, I’ve belonged to a private Facebook group run by the Christian Apologetics Alliance. The level of intellectual and theological brilliance exhibited by the majority of its members is truly staggering. Others, not so much! Regarding this latter group, I’m not referring to believers asking intelligent questions as they seek a greater knowledge of Christian… Read More »