Tag Archives: sickness

What If?

By | 29 May 2020

The Holy Spirit had been urging me to write this article for a week or so before I started it and frankly, I’ve struggled with this article over a period of a couple more weeks after that. Why? Because I desperately don’t want this article perceived as an angry diatribe judgmentally lashing out at everyone who doesn’t “measure… Read More »

A Prayer Against the Corona Virus

By | 12 Mar 2020

One of the most effective ways to pray and be completely confident we are praying in agreement with the will of God is to pray Scripture verses. Why? Because by definition, His promises are His will, period, full stop, end of story. The following is a prayer I felt led of the Lord to compose so my fellow… Read More »

Speaking Truth

By | 20 Oct 2019

A couple of phrases have arisen of late within modern pop culture and political discourse. Those phrases are “speaking your truth” and “speaking truth to power.” So let’s dig into the concept of “truth” and see what we discover. Objective Truth The subtitle here is actually repetitively redundant. Truth IS objective. There is no “my” truth or “your”… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #10:
How to Become Divinely Prosperous

By | 27 May 2019

I’ve been praying over the last few days about how the Holy Spirit wanted me to conclude this series. The answer came when my now-former-pastor, close friend, and fellow contributor here, Ron Merrell, began one of his sermons with the following quote from Proverbs: My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,… Read More »

By His Stripes We’re Healed #9:
What If It Doesn’t Work?

By | 7 May 2019

This is almost always the first question asked by laypersons and ministers alike when they are initially introduced to the doctrine of divine healing. Such laypersons are generally being confronted with the daunting challenge of developing their faith where they have had no previous teaching or revelation from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit on the topic. Ministers… Read More »

By His Stripes We’re Healed #8:
Scriptures on Healing

By | 6 May 2019

This a semi-comprehensive list of God’s promises concerning physical healing in both the Old and New Testaments as well as all the accounts in the Gospels and Acts where Jesus and the Apostles performed healings, cast out demons, and raised the dead back to life. I say “semi-comprehensive” because I did not include duplicate accounts of the same… Read More »