Tag Archives: sin

Goodness Gracious!

By | 29 Jun 2024

The longer I’ve been alive and serving Jesus, the more and more I am captivated by our Heavenly Father’s character, especially His goodness and grace. Apart from His loving mercy, it is almost certain I would not have survived long enough to become an author lo these 13+ years ago, much less write this article today. Back in… Read More »

Whooped By The Ugly Stick

By | 7 Aug 2022

Introduction What I’m about to describe is pretty gross, even disturbing. Frankly, I was so totally repulsed by it, I had to think long and hard about whether to write about it. But the Holy Spirit has been tugging at my heart concerning this experience to convey some crucial spiritual truths, so please bear with me! While our… Read More »

Fighting Tooth & Nail

By | 3 Feb 2019

In a previous post, I discussed how our orange tabby cat named Tiger was used of God to teach me a lesson about worship. In this article, we’ll discuss the final lesson He used this precious animal to teach me. The Back-Story Tiger had been chronically vomiting and lost quite a bit of weight for a period of… Read More »