Ron Merrell

Follower of Jesus, blessed husband and dad, pastor, sheep herder, sidekick, wordsmith, bodysurfer, and low-level comedian. Usually hungry.

Author Archives: Ron Merrell

Spinny & The Search for Real Treasure

By | 13 May 2022

A Tale for the Young — or Young at Heart Felix Alexander Spinnaker – or ‘Spinny’ as his family called him – lived for adventure. At 11 years old, he’d already climbed Mount Everest, braved the Amazon river, and hot-air-ballooned over the African plains. Spinny was a true treasure-seeker. But unlike most kids his age, he searched high… Read More »


By | 23 Feb 2022

Happy About Sadness This is a happy read. And yet, how can an article about sadness be happy? It’s the dichotomy of the thing. We’re all happy and we’re all sad. We’re overwhelmed with too much and simultaneously saddled with a sense that we don’t have enough. We’re ready to tackle the day ahead and ready to take… Read More »

God’s Word — Part 1:
What Exactly Is The Bible?

In this series, I’m about to answer two questions I believe to be crucial to our understanding of Christianity: What is the Bible? How do we correctly grasp what we read in it? Why Should This Topic Concern Us? Tragically, some so-called Christians misuse the Bible to preach hate against various groups: racial minorities, interracial marriages, homosexuals, and… Read More »