Category Archives: Divine Healing

Never Surrender!

By | 27 Jun 2017

I do not know the name of the author of the following article, but from his words, he is both a Vietnam combat veteran and a law enforcement officer. Whoever the man is, he makes an excellent point: surrender is not an option and I believe he presents a solid case for his position. These principles not only… Read More »

By His Stripes We’re Healed #7:
Divine Euthanasia?

By | 24 Apr 2015

There is a term I learned from a former pastor who used it whenever he was discussing phrases or statements made by well-meaning, but biblically ignorant church folk when challenged to believe something from the Word of God that is beyond their current level of faith. The term is “Religious Escape Clause.” The most prevalent example of such… Read More »

A Requiem for George:
A Tragic Cautionary Tale of Addiction #1

By | 5 Mar 2015

My step-brother George passed away on Wednesday, December 17, 2014. He was born just short of being exactly 3-years-to-the-day older than me, making him 64 at the time. George and I were not particularly close and had little in the way of common interests, though he helped Tess and me immensely by performing our home inspection before we… Read More »

By His Stripes We Are Healed #6:
Be a Doer of the Word

By | 1 Sep 2013

One of the things I’ve seen repeatedly in other believers is that they wait until a major crisis occurs before going to God’s Word and claiming His promises to deal with it. In other words, when they or their loved ones get seriously ill or the husband or wife in a two-income family suddenly lose one or both… Read More »

The Crucial Process of Forgiveness

By | 24 Jul 2013

Introduction A year or so prior to the date of this post, my high school class from San Leandro High School in San Leandro, California celebrated its 40th reunion. When I heard about it, I planned to go until the Lord convicted me that I was attending with the wrong motives. So in obedience, I chose to stay… Read More »

By His Stripes We Are Healed #5:
Faith For Healing

By | 9 Feb 2013

Many are the times when I’ve heard objections raised against the doctrine of divine healing that go something along the lines of the following: Brother/Sister So-and-so believed God for healing and it didn’t work. He/she stayed sick for months/died/whatever. -OR- My aunt got prayed for by (insert any famous healing evangelist’s name here) and she still died of… Read More »