Category Archives: Christian Theology

Know Your Weapons

By | 14 Jul 2012

One interesting aspect of my walk with Jesus is I have learned several spiritual lessons via animals. Here’s one of them, based upon the two times I’ve been attacked by large dogs. Dog Attack #1 Back when I was 7 years old, my parents and I took a road trip in a 1960 Chevy Corvair sedan from my… Read More »


By | 18 Jun 2012

A hue and cry has arisen among the Racial Grievance Industrial Complex concerning Adidas’ new JS Roundhouse Mids sneaker. Two Burning Questions What could possibly have given these constantly-playing-the-racial-victimization-card demagogues the idea black people were the only targeted market segment for this particular model of footwear in the first place? This is like a self-conscious wallflower at a… Read More »

Charismata #5:
The Gift of Tongues

By | 9 Jun 2012

While I sorted my list of the gifts in my previous article in the same order as they appear in the Bible passage quoted, I’m going to deal with them in a different order, beginning with tongues. Why? Because tongues is the most controversial and misunderstood of the gifts and is subject to the worst biblical scholarship among… Read More »

Charismata #4:
Fruit vs. Gifts

By | 4 Jun 2012

The gifts of the Holy Spirit have but one purpose: to supernaturally demonstrate the reality of Jesus’ resurrection to both believers and non-believers alike. But before we dig into that, I first want to make a clear-cut distinction between the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit Most people consider… Read More »

God’s Word — Part 1:
What Exactly Is The Bible?

In this series, I’m about to answer two questions I believe to be crucial to our understanding of Christianity: What is the Bible? How do we correctly grasp what we read in it? Why Should This Topic Concern Us? Tragically, some so-called Christians misuse the Bible to preach hate against various groups: racial minorities, interracial marriages, homosexuals, and… Read More »