Tag Archives: faith

A Semi-Scholarly Analysis of the Book of Job

By | 22 Dec 2010

Any time you start proclaiming to Christ-followers of certain doctrinal persuasions that God is not a cosmic child abuser inflicting disaster, death, and destruction upon His children to “teach them something,” almost always the first objection you will encounter is this challenge: “Well, what about Job?” This challenge is waved about as if some kind of a magic… Read More »

Blood Covenants

By | 13 Oct 2010

I have consistently taken the stand that the God of the Bible does not go around killing His children, inflicting them with diseases, or causing disasters. Many people contest this claim, asking, “Well, what about the Old Testament?” Whole books have been written about this; I’m not going to delve into the subject in near that kind of… Read More »