Tag Archives: God’s promises

Who Do You Think You Are?

By | 11 Dec 2020

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he in behavior… — Proverbs 23:7a AMP In my humble opinion, the two most crucial questions any human being can answer for themselves are these: Who am I? What is the purpose of my existence? The answers to these salient questions are foundational to every one of our other thought processes and… Read More »


By | 12 Aug 2020

One of my wife’s and my favorite Bible passages is commonly known as the “Aaronic Blessing,” “Aaronic Benediction,” or “Priestly Blessing.” If you have a religious heritage based in Judaism or a liturgical Christian denomination, such as Methodist or Episcopalian, you have certainly heard it pronounced over the congregation by the rabbi or pastor, usually at the end… Read More »

What If?

By | 29 May 2020

The Holy Spirit had been urging me to write this article for a week or so before I started it and frankly, I’ve struggled with this article over a period of a couple more weeks. Why? Because I desperately don’t want this article perceived as an angry diatribe judgmentally lashing out at everyone who doesn’t “measure up to… Read More »

Ask & You Shall Receive #15:
A Brief Discussion on Miracles

By | 10 Apr 2020

No true Christ-follower has problems with the Bible describing God’s miracles in the ancient past — we’re all in agreement the Word accurately portrays such events, so there is no controversy there at all. It’s only when you start talking about God performing miracles in the modern day where you will generally have two kinds of reactions. Those… Read More »

A Prayer Against the Corona Virus

By | 12 Mar 2020

One of the most effective ways to pray and be completely confident we are praying in agreement with the will of God is to pray Scripture verses. Why? Because by definition, His promises are His will, period, full stop, end of story. The following is a prayer I felt led of the Lord to compose so my fellow… Read More »