Tag Archives: Body of Christ

What If?

By | 29 May 2020

The Holy Spirit had been urging me to write this article for a week or so before I started it and frankly, I’ve struggled with this article over a period of a couple more weeks. Why? Because I desperately don’t want this article perceived as an angry diatribe judgmentally lashing out at everyone who doesn’t “measure up to… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #5:
What is Success?

By | 30 Jul 2018

I felt led of the Spirit to clarify this term which is used both by those who accept and those who oppose the doctrine of divine prosperity, often with little precision in what is meant by it demonstrated by either side. The pro-prosperity side tends to say that God is not the Author of failure and that God… Read More »

Filled With The Troll-y Spirit

By | 2 Sep 2015

One of the major negative phenomena which has occurred since the inception of the World-Wide Web is that of the “Internet troll.” For those of you unfamiliar with this particular item of techno-jargon, a troll is a cyber-bully, a person who gleefully and/or angrily comments on various articles and discussions on all sorts of websites in the most… Read More »