Tag Archives: heresies

Charismata #6:
The Gift of Prophesy

By | 16 Aug 2012

In my previous post in this series, we began discussing the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and led off with exploring the gifts of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. One of the statements I made towards the end of that article was tongues and interpretation are the functional equivalent of the gift of prophesy, which… Read More »

God’s Word — Part 1:
What Exactly Is The Bible?

In this series, I’m about to answer two questions I believe to be crucial to our understanding of Christianity: What is the Bible? How do we correctly grasp what we read in it? Why Should This Topic Concern Us? Tragically, some so-called Christians misuse the Bible to preach hate against various groups: racial minorities, interracial marriages, homosexuals, and… Read More »

God’s Word — Part 2:
How Do We Interpret What the Bible is Saying?

By | 1 Jun 2012

In my previous article in this series, we explored what the Bible is, where it came from, and what it has to say about itself. In this installment, we’ll tackle the question posed in this article’s title. The answers I’m about to provide here are the principles I use whenever I examine the Scriptures and am seeking God… Read More »

Jesus is God

By | 17 Mar 2011

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, you Irish folk! One of the things theological and political liberals get wrong in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity” is their total misunderstanding of the claims and teachings of Jesus Christ and how those claims and teachings are supposed to affect our everyday lives. In their intellectual ignorance of world religions, they hold… Read More »