Tag Archives: progressivism

The Plague of Pietism

By | 19 Jun 2019

The Barna Group recently found that 80% of professing Christians do not know how to apply their Christian beliefs to their everyday lives. This condition is called “pietism.” The NT calls it by another term: carnality. Pietism divides human existence between the “spiritual” and the “unspiritual” aka the “sacred” and the “secular,” therefore pietist Christians do not believe… Read More »

The Fundamentalists Strike Back

By | 24 Jun 2017

Today, an article entitled “Christian, You Are Upset About The Wrong Things” was brought to my attention on Facebook by a fellow minister and he requested my evaluation. I started to reply in Facebook, but my answer quickly became too lengthy for that venue, so I’ve written my response in this article. Propaganda A favored tactic of propagandists… Read More »

The Former East-West German Border

By | 13 Jun 2012

A couple of friends of mine from our former church in Tucson were posting earlier today on Facebook about the fall of the Berlin Wall back in 1989-1990. It reminded me of when I was in the US Army in then-West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany or FRG) back in the early 1970’s and they took a bunch… Read More »