Tag Archives: worship


By | 24 Oct 2023

Worshiptainment is a term coined by tradition-bound “heresy hunters” on the Internet to attack modern worship. While none of us — especially me! — can discern their hearts and minds, their words can certainly give us a good idea of their thought processes because “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (see Matthew 12:34). This article… Read More »

Fulfillment, Excellence, and a Critical Spirit

By | 23 Feb 2022

fulfillment the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted. e.g., “winning the championship was the fulfillment of a childhood dream” excellence the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. e.g., “a center of academic excellence” critical expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments. e.g., “he was critical of many welfare programs” As a musician, I am frequently engaged… Read More »

Humility Revisited

By | 23 Jan 2022

It seems the Lord is not done with me on this topic, so this is another view of “the elephant” from a slightly different perspective. As I was continuing my reading in 2 Chronicles today, I came across a passage well-known in Word of Faith (WoF) circles, one I have lost count of the times I’ve heard taught on:… Read More »

Divine Prosperity: Heresy or What? #5:
What is Success?

By | 30 Jul 2018

I felt led of the Spirit to clarify this term which is used both by those who accept and those who oppose the doctrine of divine prosperity, often with little precision in what is meant by it demonstrated by either side. The pro-prosperity side tends to say that God is not the Author of failure and that God… Read More »

Ask & You Shall Receive #12:
The Beauty of Worship

By | 9 Mar 2014

In a previous article entitled Know Your Weapons, I mentioned how God has used various animals to teach me things on more than one occasion. In this article, we’re gonna dig into another one of them. I ask you to bear with me as I give you a bit of personal information, because it’s important to the point… Read More »