Category Archives: Popular Culture

Ripped Straight From Today’s Headlines!

By | 30 Mar 2022

Breaking News! Some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. So I want to remind you, though you already know these things, that Jesus first… Read More »

Reflections on Being a Theologue

By | 8 Sep 2021

After reading some of my articles here, the retired founding pastor of the church we once attended labelled me a “theologue.” As we discussed what he meant by the term, he made the following points: Theologues are “watchmen on a wall” called to warn those whom he protects or encounters of the impending dangers of false doctrines and… Read More »

My Conversation With an Atheist
Part 2: The Post-Game Analysis

By | 7 Jun 2021

After publishing my previous article, I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to write an analysis of Jake’s assertions using the principles I listed and discussed in my series on Critical Thinking. In obedience, we will now examine that encounter in greater depth so you can take that knowledge into any future discussions with Christianity’s ideological opponents. All… Read More »

My Conversation With an Atheist
Part 1: The Conversation Itself

By | 2 Jun 2021

One could easily assume after 50 years of my being a Christ-follower — and having earned advanced degrees in theology to boot! — I would have had more than a few opportunities to interact with dyed-in-the-wool atheists. The truth of the matter is I have had only one such encounter I can remember; it occurred back in January… Read More »

Critical Thinking #3:
Logical Fallacies

By | 23 Apr 2021

So far in this series, we’ve explored the concepts of critical thinking and a hindrance to it, cognitive biases. In this article, we will discuss a second hindrance: “logical fallacies.” What is a Logical Fallacy? Again, let’s define some terms: logic reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity fallacy a mistaken belief, especially one based… Read More »

Critical Thinking #2:
Cognitive Biases

By | 23 Apr 2021

In the previous article in this series, we defined and discussed the term “critical thinking” and why we Christ-followers should care about it. In this installment, we’ll discuss the topic of biased thinking. Bias is easy to grasp because we’ve all encountered them in others, especially those of us who are not Caucasian, though we all tend to… Read More »