Category Archives: Christian Theology

The Doctrine of Excuses

By | 28 Dec 2022

Awhile back, I had occasion to phone my former employer’s offices in Florida. As I was waiting on hold for my co-worker to pick up, I was blessed as I listened to one of our university president’s recorded class sessions they play in lieu of hold music. During that session, he was proclaiming the integrity of God’s Word,… Read More »

Where are We Going? And Why are We
in This Hand-basket? — The Spiritual Perspective

By | 27 Dec 2022

In my previous article in this series, I identified some historical trends which have brought us to this sorry moment in world history. In this final article, we’ll look at its spiritual underpinnings. The Final Quest As mentioned in my first article on humility, Rick Joyner’s book The Final Quest has had the single hugest impact upon my… Read More »

Where are We Going? And Why are We
in This Hand-basket? — The Historical Perspective

By | 27 Dec 2022

Introduction Some of you may have recognized the title of this article as a motto from a humorous bumper sticker. Truth be told, that is precisely where I got it! Why did I chose this title instead of something more pedestrian — or even more importantly — original? Because a broad spectrum of Americans — including Christ-followers —… Read More »

Faith For Souls #1:
The Purpose of Our Faith

By | 17 Aug 2022

The Purpose of Our Faith? Jesus knew why He was here: to bring humanity back to God. One purpose. Only one. Everything He did was all encased in that purpose- to seek and save that which was lost. He gave His disciples a directive. He told them, “Follow Me.” Jesus tells us the same. Then He said to… Read More »

Whooped By The Ugly Stick

By | 7 Aug 2022

Introduction What I’m about to describe is pretty gross, even disturbing. Frankly, I was so totally repulsed by it, I had to think long and hard about whether to write about it. But the Holy Spirit has been tugging at my heart concerning this experience to convey some crucial spiritual truths, so please bear with me! While our… Read More »