Category Archives: Popular Culture

The Former East-West German Border

By | 13 Jun 2012

A couple of friends of mine from our former church in Tucson were posting earlier today on Facebook about the fall of the Berlin Wall back in 1989-1990. It reminded me of when I was in the US Army in then-West Germany (aka Federal Republic of Germany or FRG) back in the early 1970’s and they took a… Read More »

A Scriptural View of Homosexuality & Homosexuals

By | 25 Feb 2012

Quite awhile back, I watched an episode of Dr. Phil where they were exploring the issue of homosexuality vs. Christianity. One of the lesbians appearing in that episode made the following statement: Let’s not forget that the Bible was used to deny women the right to vote, to support slavery and look what “good and decent Christians” did… Read More »

Thoughts on Christmas

By | 11 Dec 2011

Merry Christmas! A lot of commentaries tend to come out this time of year dealing with the significance of Christmas. This is mine. The Burning Questions Is Christmas actually unmentioned in the Bible, and; Is this an issue we need to be concerned about? In mid-to-late December of 2008, I was seeking the Lord as to what church… Read More »

The Rise of Christianity

By | 8 Dec 2011

My life-long absolute favorite genre of literature, film, and computer gaming is science fiction. Sci-fi has captured my imagination since I was in 3rd grade or so when I would check out and voraciously consume stacks of novels by Heinlein, Asimov, Bradbury, and others from the El Paso Public Library — I have never outgrown my passion for… Read More »

The Father of Lies & Left-Wing Radicals

By | 5 Dec 2011

There is a book out there entitled Rules for Radicals written by a man named Saul Alinsky. Supposedly, this book has inspired the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Interestingly enough, the book is dedicated as follows: …the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least… Read More »